That Single Parent Life (Ch. 2)

By: Cher He has finally asked again. This is the fourth time he has asked me. The first time he asked, I chuckled and laughed it off. He must be kidding, I thought to myself. The second and third time, I kind of chuckled and I told him “he has me”. The fourth time he... Continue Reading →

Parenting Parents

By: Andrea Before my brother passed away we both knew that we would both split responsibility in taking care of our parents.  He would likely take care of my mother, because they had a close relationship, and me taking care of my dad, because of our relationship.  My niece was young then and would take... Continue Reading →

That Single Parent Life (Ch. 1)

By: Cher I never imagined that I would be a single parent, as a young girl, when I imagined my life as an adult it did not include the white picket fence, one boy and one girl and large house. My imagination included three children, the genders varied… playing, laughing and having a good time.... Continue Reading →

Be the Change

By: Cher Some days I look at them and I am astonished on how amazing these little people I created are and some days I look at them and I think “What the hell am I doing?”. As a single parent, you have to go above and beyond to make sure that you are covering... Continue Reading →

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